Happy new year folks! Why am I blogging now? Why does it take me a year to write one paragraph? I realized that of all the things I love to do - Writing is one of those few things. I don't want to attribute this post to a new year resolution. But it hit me that I will be turning 25 in two days time and I can already see my hair graying. If you are still that single extrovert party goer, good for you! You are already burning that energy. But if you are an introvert like me who enjoys the company of a select few, chances are you don't know how to express yourself and in turn - burn that energy (well, as much as you have!). This post is a reminder to keep telling myself to do what I like, what I enjoy and hopefully, be more disciplined about it.
Since I am on a spree and I don't know when I'll write again - I am going to let my thoughts flow this time around. I got married a couple of months back to my boyfriend of almost 7 years. People have been asking me how married life is treating me. I initially thought that it wouldn't be very different - I mean I did know the guy forever! But I did realize that marriage does change some things around you. It might be subtle but you are bound to notice it nevertheless. The most funny change is your parents accepting this relationship with another person to be normal. If you grew up in the western world, you probably don't know what I'm talking about but if you are from India, you can certainly relate to what I'm saying. Before marriage, it was like - "Oh, this guy. Be careful. Blah blah.." and now - all one happy family! L-O-L indeed!
Family aside, life with my husband has been changing gradually. For eg - I am still getting used to the fact that we go to the same gym and I can actually have lunch with him on weekdays. (To put this in perspective, I moved to the same city as him a month ago). We have had the odd disagreement, the odd fight etc. But I am beginning to realize that as much as we live a life with someone, it's very important to not lose your individuality. I'll probably rant a little more about marriage some other time. Right now, I still feel like I am discovering myself and have this urge to practice my hobbies, widen my skills and keep improving. Ain't that a good start to the new year? :) On this optimistic note, I'd like to say "Happy New Year" again and I hope I become a better version of myself this year!