- They gased [poisoned by using cyanide] the prisoners in a gas chamber after they became weak and were unable to work.
- The doctors purposely injected diseases like yellow fever into weak patients and carried out medical experiments on them.
- Women who were old and could not work were kept in stables [Yes, you read that right]. They were kept in stables like horses where no sanitation was provided. Upto 5 or 6 women were put into a stable.
What baffles me is this - I can accept that 1 person is mad. But how could he convince an entire army that his vision and actions were right. I have no answers, but I suspect that given the right conditions it is easy to influence people's thoughts drastically. A lot of research has gone into this field and I am sure I cannot add anything of value to this topic. All I can say is that it is good to evaluate yourself periodically, have a neutral perspective, a calm demeanour and spread the joy.
Cheers folks!